Information Extraction Demos and Services
Information Extraction Demos and Services
We provide a number of GATE–based tools as both demos and web services, comprising
- ClimateMeasure: extracts useful indicators of climate change such as “energy use”, “carbon pollution”, etc. for particular locations, together with measurable effects such as percentages, measurements etc. and the relevant dates.
- ClimaPinion: aims to annotate documents with terms and sentiment related to climate change. Sentiment is classified into positive, negative and neutral polarity, as well as more fine-grained emotions such as fear, anger, joy etc. There are versions for both English and German.
- Mention Disambiguation: aims to annotate user mentions in tweets according to their status as people, locations or organisations.
- Earth Hour Tracker: monitors Twitter to build easily digestible snapshots of how people feel about the topics being discussed in relation to Earth Hour 2016, which was held on the 19th of March 2016.